His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Great House of Cilicia, has called on Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to resign and allow for snap elections, in a message he issued in the presence of the Religious and Executive Councils of the Catholicosate.
“The Armenian people are in a deep crisis: the emotional state of feeling defeated has caused uncertainty and despair. Indeed, we lost most of Artsakh, which was built and flourished with the blood of our sons and daughters, despite the resistance demonstrated by our heroic army against the Turkish-Azeri troops. We also lost our national dignity and pride. We had a large number of victims, captives, wounded and refugees. There is not a single Armenian around the world who is not suffering for this huge loss of the nation. The people are demanding a comprehensive and clear accountability for this horrible tragedy.
“We are faced with uncertainty. The sons and daughters of our people in Armenia, Artsakh and the Diaspora express their just protest and ire towards such a document about the agreement between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which in addition to Artsakh also compromises the territorial integrity, the security, and the independence of Armenia. In fact, Armenia resembles a rudderless boat caught in a terrible storm.
“In these fateful conditions, the unity of our people is more than imperative. We have to refrain from attitudes and deeds that may cause polarization, create divisions, and spread the spirit of intolerance. The inner unity of our people and our collective will must be a guarantee for the powerful Armenia and Artsakh of tomorrow. The collective will of our people, the general and supreme interests of our people and homeland must stand above every consideration and be decisive in our ideas, decisions and acts.
“Driven by these principles and duties, approximately two years ago, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia, Nikol Pashinyan, took charge of the government of Armenia. In these acute circumstances, we call on Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan, based on the same principles and duties, to decide to step down, allowing the National Assembly to elect a new prime minister, following the constitutional order and process. We expect that a prompt call for snap elections will be the priority for the new interim government of accord, formed under the leadership of the newly elected prime minister.
“We pray to God most high to admit our martyrs in His heavenly kingdom, for the speedy recovery of our wounded, for the return of the prisoners and for consolation of the grieving families, and to keep our nation and homeland away from all kinds of evil and harm.”
December 8, 2020
Antelias, Lebanon