The Teachers’ Training Program of the Armenian National Education Committee has now begun its workshop sessions after completing a first, comprehensive theoretical part. The course is still conducted via Zoom.
On the holiday of Monday, February 15, a select group of teachers from schools under the jurisdiction of ANEC took part in the online workshop.
In the first part of the course, the Senior officer of the Program for the Enhancement of Western Armenian at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Ms. Ani Garmiryan, who leads the training program, had focused so far on pedagogy and psychology as well as related subjects. Now with the attendees fully familiarized with these aspects of education, they were ready to move on to the hands-on part of the training.
The workshops are prepared and conducted by Sevana Tchakerian from Yerevan, Vahan Kerovpyan, from Portugal, and Maral Kerovpyan, from France. For more than three hours, participants immersed themselves into the rich world of psycholinguistics and education, which teachers will soon convey to schoolchildren, in order for them to enjoy learning their mother tongue.