The Eastern Prelacy’s National Representative Assembly (NRA) will convene via videoconference this Saturday, May 22. Covid-related restrictions last year led to the postponement of the meeting from its traditional May date to September, when it was finally held over a virtual platform for the first time ever.
In the previous weeks, the NRA 2021 Department series offered delegates the opportunity to become acquainted with the work of the different arms of the Prelacy, including the Youth Ministry, the Armenian Religious Education Council (including Sunday school, Datev Institute and Adult Bible Study programs), the Armenian National Education Committee, and the Prelacy’s communications programs.
The NRA is the highest ecclesiastical and administrative body of the Prelacy. It is composed of a ratio of one-seventh clergy and six-seventh lay delegates. The clergy delegates are elected by the Clergy Conference and the lay delegates by their respective parishes. The number of delegates from the parishes depends on the number of parish members. The minimum number of delegates for a parish is two and the maximum is seven.