A view of the bike ride
The Prelacy for the Parishes program continued on Saturday, September 25, with a “Bike Ride with the Prelate,” under the sponsorship and with the active participation of Archbishop Anoushavan. The fundraiser of the 10-mile ride on the Windham Rail Trail from Windham to Salem, NH, went toward the annual budget of the St. Gregory the Illuminator’s Church of North Andover, MA.
The following Sunday, the Prelate celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at St. Gregory the Illuminator’s Church on occasion of its 51st anniversary. On behalf of the Religious and Executive Councils of Prelacy, Archbishop Anoushavan congratulated the parish for the anniversary and expressed his wish that it may continue to live the Armenian faith to continue providing for the well-being of the Armenian community in the Merrimack Valley area.