Matching gifts in recent decades has been one of the most positive aspects of our society, fostering the spirit of donations. Companies, institutions, and different businesses raise the bar by encouraging people to make big donations, which eventually would be matched by their own gracious support.
In particular by the end of the year we receive several requests to hurry and make our donations before the deadline, to be showered with the matching blessings.
At this moment of the year, when our spirit of caring and sharing is at an all-time high, I am so grateful to have witnessed the collaboration of our Pastors and Board of Trustees in response to the appeal by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I. Today, we received a $30,000 check from Sts. Vartanantz Church of Providence, RI, which brings our Lebanese Relief Fund to a total of $164,558.
As much as the amount of this recent check is highly appreciated, I was particularly impressed by the initiative of the Pastor and Board of Trustees, who had announced that they would match the fund with $10,000. And lo! The parishioners highly supporting this appeal had responded generously.
May the spirit of Christmas dwell in the manger of our hearts and bring us to spread goodness and compassion in the world.