The Salt and Light Youth Group of Sts. Vartanantz Church in Providence, RI, welcomed new members at their meeting on Feb. 28. After greetings and a prayer led by Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian, Pastor, the teens and facilitators enjoyed a delicious meal filled with fellowship and laughter.
At Fun Night on February 17, a suggestion box had been provided and the teens were encouraged to offer suggestions for future topics of discussion, social outings, service projects and “Ask Der Hayr” forms. Ask they did! A lively discussion ensued. “Was Jesus a real person?” “Who wrote the Bible?” “How do you know what was written is real?” and other questions.
Then they spoke of the Parable of the Good Samaritan. Why would we be moved to help a stranger in need and why would we hesitate and walk away? After sharing their personal stories and observations the teens made a commitment to “help their neighbor” and shall give feedback at the next session of Salt and Light as to what they did and the outcome.
One of the teens, Maral Zobian, daughter of Jayne and Berge Zobian, a senior at Cranston High School East, has been a member of our Youth Group since its inception. Maral shared that since she has been attending the Salt and Light group, she has learned to connect lessons in the Bible to real life situations and has learned how much our daily doings can affect our overall wellbeing.