ANEC’s Siamanto Academy received the visit of ANCA spokeswoman Elizabeth Chuljian, who spoke about American political figures of Armenian descent, of whose origins the teenagers did not know anything. The presentation was timely too, as it coincided with the eve of midterm elections in the U.S., which took place on Tuesday, Nov. 9. Ms. Chuljian also gave a detailed assessment of each candidate from Armenian-American perspective.
The talk was part of a series coordinated with the ANCA, which grew in frequency thanks to their enthusiastic reception by the students and included a visit by its Executive Director Aram Hamparian in October.
These last two meetings were attended by the students of Chicago’s Taniel Varoujan school, who were accompanied by Principal Talin Artinian and which sometimes takes part in Siamanto’s sessions.
ANEC continues its online meetings, gathering the youth of the Eastern United States, with two-hour meetings that included a workshop with their language teachers on occasion of the feast of the Holy Translators in October.