With still more photos to share with the readers of Crossroads, we take advantage of this opportunity to look back at the last couple of years that preceded the celebration of the 65th anniversary.
In our September 17, 2020, issue, we had published the address given by His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, to the National Representative Assembly. It was the first time that the Assembly had to convene online. The Covid pandemic was wreaking havoc on our lives.
Those days seem distant yet, at the same time, they feel like simply yesterday. Eerily, it was ten days before the start of the 44-day war that turned Armenians’ world upside down.
And yet, as William Saroyan has famously noted, time and again, when two Armenians come together will laugh again and build a new Armenia. With that spirit, our community came again on the evening of the celebration of the Prelacy’s anniversary.
Since the outbreak of the health emergency in early 2020, Archbishop Anoushavan has been prescribing “prayer, prudence, and patience.” We can confidently say the prescription has paid off.
Moreover, in his address to the Assembly in September 2020, the Prelate summed up the cardinal principles of his leadership: divine guidance, collaboration, and innovation. This is the roadmap we are following as we carry the work of the Prelacy into a brighter future.