Dear Brothers and Sisters,
More than anything else, Christmas is the season to reflect upon the value and the ultimate goal of our life. The celebration of the Incarnation of the Only-begotten Son of God for our salvation invites us into a serious contemplation of our existence. In a divine way, God tangibly assures us that we are an irreplaceable element in His eternal plan. His sacrificial love is the greatest gift to us is so that we may have life, and that we may have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
Now, dear friends, let me ask you a sincere question: How do you feel when you give a precious gift to a loved one or a friend, and soon afterward you realize that he or she has thrown it into the trash? Surely it causes great pain. You feel badly for their ignorance, indifference, and most probably, you decide never to give a gift again. Now let us ask the same question of God: O Lord, how do you feel when you continue to give us priceless gifts, and then you watch as we forget to show gratitude and neglect to cherish your everlasting kindness? The answer is that God also feels bad but never gives up. He is always loving and merciful, and waits for our positive response.
With this understanding, when we are freed from all worries of the commercialized celebration of Western Christmas, in silence and awe, let us open the Sacred Gift of God and use it, enjoy it, and make it part of our daily life. Surely it will transform our earthly and temporary life, and redirect us in its original and authentic destiny to obtain Eternal Life.
At the dawn of the New Year and on the Eve of Armenian Christmas, let us greet each other and say:
Tzez yev mez medz Avedis:
Krisdos dzunav yev haydnetzav!
Orhnyal eh Haydnootyoonun Krisdosi!
To you and for us all come these glad tidings of great joy:
Christ is born and revealed!
Blessed is the Revelation of Christ!