Under the high auspices of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, the Giligia Library of the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia has organized a conference on St. Nerses Shnorhali (The Gracious) on Friday, May 26, on occasion of the 850th anniversary of the great Armenian patriarch and scholar.
Members of the Cilician Brotherhood, as well as Seminary novices, Lebanese-Armenian intellectuals and guests will take part in the conference. The conference proceedings will be published in a volume devoted to the anniversary in the near future.
The Holy See will also mark the date with a sacred music concert on May 25 by the Shnorhali choir, named after St. Nerses by Catholicos Khoren I, of blessed memory, on the 800th anniversary of the saint in 1973.
Submissions by scholars are invited by the organizers and should be forwarded to arekagan1@gmail.com. All questions related to the conference and the anniversary should be referred to the aforementioned email address.