Under the presidency of His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, the 2023 National Representative Assembly convened from Thursday, May 18, to Saturday, May 20. The host, Sts. Vartanantz Church of Providence, RI excelled in its level of organization and hospitality. The special Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Ascension, followed by a fellowship dinner, was held at the church on Thursday, May 18.
The National Representative Assembly was preceded by the annual Clergy Conference and coincided with the National Association of Ladies Guild Assembly. Details of those gatherings were featured in past issues of Crossroads, as well as information about the Prelacy Banquet held at Crowne Plaza Hotel on May 19.
Parish representatives—clergy, delegates, and guests—gathered at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Warwick, RI, which served as the focal point for the proceedings. Judge Krista Haroutunian and Ms. Janet Haroian were elected as Assembly co-chairpersons, with Andrew Asadorian (English) and Arevig Caprelian (Armenian) as secretaries.
Thursday’s opening session was devoted to the formal address of the Prelate, while the Prelacy Executive Council chairman Archdeacon Hagop Khatchadourian delivered the Council’s report, which included reports from the various Prelacy departments. There were presentations about the funding for the Pontifical Visit, work done on a proposed formula for parishes’ quotas, strategic planning, and potential re-formatting of the bylaws.
During Friday, May 19, after questions and approval of the Executive Council report, panel groups convened to discuss by-laws amendments, the Prelacy budget proposal, and strategic planning. In the afternoon, proposed resolutions were presented during the plenary session, and the delegates also heard about college/young adult perspective by young parishioners from Sts. Vartanantz Church of Providence, on which we reported in our previous issue.
The Assembly concluded with the elections for Religious Council, Lay Council, and World Assembly Delegates on Saturday, May 20.
After the elections and their approval by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I, Archbishop Anoushavan presided over the Religious and Lay Councils’ first meetings. On Tuesday, June 2, the Religious Council met via Zoom and reelected Very Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian, Pastor of All Saints Church (Glenview, IL), as Chairman and Rev. Fr. Mikael Der Khosrofian, Pastor of Soorp Asdvadzadzin Church (Whitinsville, MA) as Secretary. The other members of the Religious Council are Archpriest Fr. Antranig Baljian (Pastor of St. Stephen’s Church, Watertown, MA), Rev. Fr. Hrant Kevorkian (Pastor of St. Sarkis Church, Dearborn, MI), and Very Rev. Fr. Ardag Arabian (Pastor of Holy Trinity Church, Worcester, MA).
The Executive Council, including the Religious and Lay Councils, convened for a Zoom meeting on Wednesday, June 7. Aram Sarafian was elected Chairman. The Tivan was completed with Richard Kanarian, Vice-Chairman; Tamar Kanarian, Secretary, and Raffi Ourlian, Treasurer. Members at large are Houry Daghlian; Dr. Raffi Manjikian; John Kulungian; Aram Hovagimian, and Judge Krista Haroutunian.