The faithful of Holy Cross Church, of Troy, New York, welcomed His Holiness Catholicos Aram I and his entourage on November 15 in the evening.
After the canonical prayer in the church, His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, accompanied by His Eminence Archbishop Souren, arrived from Canada; Very Rev. Fr. Hovagim Panjarjian, Very Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aprahamian, and Rev. Fr. Vahan Kouyoumdjian, Visiting Pastor, invited the Catholicos to give his message.
His Holiness emphasized the imperative of love, as he noted that the church is a community of love; Christ did not only love humanity, but also gave a message of mutual love. Love entails devotion, service, and assistance. Therefore, we have to express our love by loving our small family and our great family, the nation, simultaneously bringing our help to the program of our church and community.
In the evening, a banquet was held in honor of His Holiness at his hotel. Mr. Antranig Karageozian, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Holy Cross Church, and Archbishop Anoushavan were the speakers. The Prelate expressed his joy that, after 25 years, His Holiness paid his second visit to the Troy community.
In his message, Catholicos Aram I highlighted the need to maintain our traditions and values, with the church as focus. The church is our house, as well as the house of God. Our participation is essential to keep the church shining and make our families shine with the blessing of God.
The representatives of the sister organizations of Troy visited His Holiness on Thursday, November 16 in the morning. The Catholicos advised attendees to reorganize and expand their activities.