His Holiness Catholicos Aram I had separate meetings on Monday, November 20, at the Eastern Prelacy offices in New York with officials of three organizations that are active in Lebanon: the Howard Karagheusian Corporation; the Armenian Medical Fund, and the Near East Foundation.
His Holiness was highly appreciative of the work carried out by the committees of the Howard Karagheusian Corporation in Lebanon and Syria, which have a noticeable impact on the life of our communities.
In his talks with representatives of the Armenian Medical Fund, the Catholicos discussed the recently completed programs and the new plans of the board of the Armenian Sanatorium of Azounieh, towards which the AMF makes monthly contributions. The Catholicos suggested providing financial support for major projects undertaken by the sanatorium.
The Near East Foundation is the successor to the well-known Near East Relief, which had an enormous impact on Armenians in the period 1915-1930 and owned the Antelias orphanage, transferred to the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia in 1930 for a symbolic amount. His Holiness praised the work of the Near East Foundation and the continuous cooperation.
On Tuesday, November 21, the Catholicos met with the Central Committee of the Eastern Region of the ARF, with whom he discussed the work of the Catholicosate related to Artsakh. The reorganization of the community was another subject of discussion.