His Holiness Catholicos Aram I met with Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani on January 10 during his visit to the Gulf country, where he also met other government officials and diplomats.
The Catholicos also conducted meetings with the ambassadors of Lebanon and Armenia, and attended a dinner hosted in his honor by the Qatari Ambassador to the UK, Fahad Bin Mohammed Al-Attiyah. He also paid a visit to former Minister of Energy, Abdullah Bin Attiyah.
His Holiness Aram I also convened with the Executive Council of the Prelacy and received the Armenian community.
The pontifical delegation accompanying His Holiness included the Prelate of the UAE and Qatar, His Grace Bishop Mesrob Sarkissian; the Lebanese Armenian MP and Head of the Armenian Parliamentary Bloc, Hagop Pakradouni; the Co-chair of the Central Council of the Catholicosate, Krikor Mahserejian; the Chair of the Armenian National Representatives Assembly of the Prelacy; Varoujan Nerguizian, the officer of the Armenian Church’s inter-church and inter-religious relations in the Middle East, V. Rev. Fr. Sarkis Aprahamian, and representatives of the Armenian Community.