Letters from Armenia

Avet – 06/20/24

This letter is from Avet,* who is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Vahe Dombalagian. 

*We use only the first names of the children to protect their privacy. 

Dear Sponsor, 

This is Avet from the town of Martouni in Artsakh. After being exiled and until now, I live in the town of Massis in Armenia in a rented place with my mother, brother, grandmothers, and grandfather. I go to school here. 

After the war of 2020, I hoped that everything will be well in Artsakh, but the history repeated itself. I lost my birthplace leaving behind my father’s gravesite.  

It was very difficult at first, but now I have new friends. My mom and brother have already found jobs. During my summer vacation, I will try to help them out as much as I can. 

Now I only ask for one thing from God – so that He grants peace to my country and that whatever happens, we will be able to return to our Artsakh. 

Thank you to you and many kindhearted people like you who are at our side in these difficult times. 

