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The St. Nerses the Great charity in Yerevan distributed $3,483, the proceeds from a fundraiser organized by the Mourad Armenian School and the Sunday School of Sts. Vartanantz Church (Providence, Rhode Island), to 40 schoolchildren displaced from Artsakh during the ethnic cleansing campaign perpetrated by Azerbaijan. The donation was delivered by Dr. Vartan Matiossian, Executive Director of the Eastern Prelacy, as he met with the young students and their parents on Friday, June 21. 

During the meeting, Dr. Matiossian conveyed on behalf of His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, the full support of all Prelacy parishioners to fellow Armenians from Artsakh with the conviction that they will grow to become exemplary citizens of the homeland, which will grow along with them.  

Along with the assistance of all Prelacy parishes, St. Sarkis Church (Douglaston, NY), St. Sarkis Church (Dearborn, MI), and now Sts. Vartanantz Church (Providence) has also contributed in special manners to the welfare of our deported brothers and sisters, instilling in them hope and perseverance.    

The Eastern Prelacy is sparing no efforts to support the Armenian population displaced from Artsakh by the Azerbaijani genocidal policy. Donations at the Prelacy are received through the Artsakh Fund, which, along with other projects, each month covers the first needs of 40 to 45 different families each month through the Hope and Light NGO.