Sofie – 08/15/24

This letter is from Sofie,* who is sponsored by St. Gregory Armenian School (North Andover, MA).
Dear Sponsor,
This is Sofie, a 9th grader. I live in a small city of Sisian, very, very far from Yerevan. Our city is a truly cultural place: it has musical, art, dance, chess, and sport schools which are well established and respected in our country.
Last year, I graduated from the musical school. During my last, 7th year there, I lost my drive, didn’t want to continue, and wanted to drop out. However, with good grades but very unwillingly, I graduated, and then I felt an inexplicable longing. Some time ago, I went for a long walk around the building, met my music teacher, and had a very long conversation with her. Now, I play the piano even more often than during my school years.
This year, I will also be graduating from art school. I love very much the sculpture and drawing classes, but carpet weaving and embroidering are just not for me. At first, I wanted to become and animator and draw cartoon characters, Then I decided to become a fashion designer, lawyer, actress, and so many other things. In other words, my head is a mess.
Dear Sponsor, thank you so much for being at my family’s side in those difficult times. The monotony of our everyday life is filled with memories about my dad and hopes for a better future. And your attention is priceless.