Eduard – 08/22/24

This letter is from Eduard,* who is sponsored by Biana Stepanian.
Dearest Sponsor,
This is Eduard’s mother Armine. Soon, it will be a year since Eduard received a call for his mandatory military service in the Armenian Army to do his duty to his country.
He already participated in the Oath Taking ceremony – to faithfully serve to the Republic of Armenia. I am sending you a photo from that ceremony. He will be serving together with my older son, his brother Gagik, who is older by two years but because of his studies in university had received a 2-year delay for his military service.
What should I tell you? As a mother, of course, my heart is aching so much that for two long years both my sons will not be by my side, but I am also extremely proud of them. That sense of pride doesn’t let me to succumb to the sadness, because I am so gratified that for those long years (16 years) after their father’s death, I managed to raise my two sons to be worth of their father’s memory - two honest young men who with God’s help will serve in the army and return to me safely and in peace…
I want to send you my special and enormous gratitude, dear Sponsor, for being at our side during those long years with your constant support and care.
I am also very grateful for this unexpected special gift – 125 dollars which I received with thanks and am keeping for Eduard when he visits.
With best regards and warmest wishes,