Gor – 11/7/24

This letter is from Gor,* who is sponsored by Sahag Dardarian.
* We use only the first names of the children and those who benefit from the program to protect their privacy.
Warmest greetings to St. Nerses and all its supporters!
This is Gor, from Artsakh, the paradise that is flooded with the blood of our heroes. I don’t want us to differentiate between Artsakhtsis, Gyumretsis, Aparantsis, or Armenians living in the Diaspora. Let’s come together and unite; most of our benefactors live in the Diaspora and they stand behind our backs and help youth like me to get an education, and I personally am very grateful to all of them.
I wish no child in the world loses their parents and that wars disappear, so that your charity from now on is directed towards the prosperity of our country.
Thank you for your kind deeds.
October 1, 2024