The 54th Anniversary celebration of Saint Gregory Armenian Apostolic Church of Merrimack Valley was held on Sunday, November 17, under the auspices of His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Prelate.
Archbishop Anoushvan celebrated the Divine Liturgy, during which he ordained as acolytes three youths from the Sunday/Armenian School, Nishan Baljian, Gabriel Bulbulian and Austin Afarian. These three adolescents actively serve on the altar of Saint Gregory Church. Their sponsor was Archpriest Antranig Baljian, Pastor Emeritus of Saint Stephen’s Armenian Apostolic Church in Watertown. During his message, Srpazan Hayr spoke of the importance of service to our Lord’s Church as part of the Christian life. Taking from the Gospel passage read that day, he reflected on the words of Jesus Christ, who said, “the least among you of all is the greatest.” He emphasized that the way to greatness is through becoming a servant, of God, of our people and our Armenian Nation.
Following the services, a festive Thanksgiving Dinner was served in Jaffarian Hall, an annual tradition hosted by Saint Gregory Church’s Ladies’ Guild. Over 120 people were on hand to enjoy the festivities. In addition to the Prelate and Archpriest Fr. Antranig, the Reverend Father Vart Gyozalyan, pastor of Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel Armenian Church was also in attendance.
Joseph Almasian, Chair of the Board of Trustees, welcomed all in attendance and used the opportunity to thank the pastor, Board of Trustees and all volunteers and donors for their dedication and hard work in support of St. Gregory Church throughout the year. He also highlighted some of the parish’s recent achievements, as well as some plans for the near future.
Rev. Fr. Stephan Baljian, pastor of the church, invited the newly ordained acolytes to the podium and presented each one with a special gift on behalf of the parish community. Representing the Sunday/Armenian School, Austin Afarian and Hovig Baljian each made brief remarks outlining those things for which they are thankful. Both were sure to mention their gratitude for the Saint Gregory Church community and for having their spiritual home in order to worship God and find their strength.
Mrs. Knarik Nerkararyan-Kevorkian offered two beautiful musical selections on the piano.
In his remarks, Der Stephan congratulated the entire community for having reached the milestone of 54 years of existence as a church and of service to the Armenian community in the greater Merrimack Valley. After sharing some thoughts about the Christian understanding of “thanksgiving,” Der Hayr took the opportunity to thank the Board, National Representatives, Ladies’ Guild and Men’s Club members, Choir, altar servers, Sunday/Armenian School staff and, in general, all those who volunteer to serve St. Gregory Church in a variety of capacities. He also congratulated the Prelate on his forty years of service to the Eastern Prelacy.
He then invited Archbishop Anoushavan to the podium with a special surprise. Mrs. Sossy Jeknavorian, principal of the Sunday/Armenian School, and dedicated for over forty years to the religious, cultural and Armenian language education of several generations of young Armenians, would be honored with the Mesrob Mashdots award, granted by His Holiness Catholicos Aram I of the Holy See of the Great House of Cilicia. His Eminence then read the encyclical of His Holiness and pinned the medal on her lapel. There was an air of excitement in the room as all who were present could attest to Mrs. Jeknavorian’s genuine and sacrificial spirit of service for her church and nation. She spoke a few words of thanks, which were met with thunderous applause.
In his remarks, the Prelate relayed his congratulations to the parish and to Mrs. Sossy Jeknavorian, as well as those of the Prelacy’s Religious and Executive Councils. He commended the entire community for its hard work over the past year and charged everyone to continue in their dedication to the Armenian Apostolic Church, the Prelacy community and the St. Gregory Parish.
Once the banquet was concluded, upon personal invitation by the pastor, Archbishop Anoushavan visited the newly consecrated Holy Archangels Michael and Gabriel Armenian Church in nearby Haverhill, Massachusetts, and was given an extensive tour of the new sanctuary and entire facility, imparting his fatherly blessing on the priest and parishioners before departing.