Gnel – 11/28/24

This letter is from Gnel,* who is sponsored by Vicken Peltekian.
* We use only the first names of the children and those who benefit from the program to protect their privacy.
Dear Sponsor,
This is Gnel. I am a second-year student at the University of Economics.
I am doing my best to combine my studies at the university with work. After classes, I work at a shoe factory. Parallel to that, I do my best to be helpful to my family in farming and gardening activities at the village.
I don’t know what else to tell you about myself. I don’t have many friends, because I can’t socialize with just anybody.
I don’t have a girlfriend, or rather I have no time for a girlfriend yet. That’s about it.
I am very grateful to you for continuing your sponsorship of me and my family.
Wishing you good health…