On Sunday, December 15, parishioners gathered in the assembly room of the Reverend Doctor Mesrob Tashjian Educational Center for the unveiling and blessing of the new student chapel. The original chapel was built in 1968 as a part of the construction of the school building and was used by generations of our Sunday and Armenian school students for their prayer time before the start of class each week. Unfortunately, the original chapel suffered from leaks and other types of damage that left it beyond repair several years ago. Following several months of planning and construction, a beautiful new chapel was unveiled and blessed in the presence of our faithful.
Following the blessing, Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian highlighted the words of Psalm 145, “One Generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts.” He spoke of how the chapel was a special place for prior generations of our students, where they would gather for prayer and lessons of our faith would be shared with them. In quoting the parable of the wise builder, which was read during the blessing ceremony, he commended those responsible for including a chapel in the original design of the school building, particularly Rev. Fr. Mesrob Tashjian, of blessed memory, for whom the building was named in 1998.
With this new chapel both our current and future generations of students will have the same opportunity given to prior generations to strengthen their bond with our Lord Jesus and with one another as they join together in prayer.