His Holiness Catholicos Aram I has extended his congratulations to the President, the National Assembly and the people of the Republic of Artsakh on the 30th anniversary of its independence.
“People become great and eternal with the complete affirmation of its free will and sovereignty,” His Holiness said. “The homeland blooms and becomes great with the collective faith and dedication of its people.”
In his message, the Catholicos said that “the Republic of Artsakh was proclaimed in difficult circumstances; it bloomed in difficult circumstances, and today it marks its independence in bitter and critical conditions.”
But the resolve of the people of Artsakh has not been crushed, he said. “Their faith has not been weakened, its dedication has not faltered,” His Holiness said. “Indeed, when the people have resolved to defend its independence, nobody can crush its spirit and weaken its will.”
The “independence of Artsakh is the supreme obligation and right of the people of Artsakh,” the Catholicos said. “At the same time, it is the obligation and responsibility of the entire Armenian people.”
The independence of Artsakh “must be strengthened with:
- The presence of its population, the return of the families that left forced by the circumstances, the development of the economy of Artsakh and the establishment of foreign relations;
- The full support by the Republic of Armenia within the realms of the economy and politics;
- The strong commitment of Diaspora Armenians, economic contributions and political relations.”
In the face of these challenges, His Holiness said, “we must mark with renewed faith, vision and resolve the 30th anniversary of the proclamation of the Republic of Artsakh.” The Holy See with its prelacies, structures, and people, “always stands with Artsakh, participating actively in the national mission of strengthening the independence of the Republic of Artsakh.”