The 78th anniversary of the community of All Saints Church of Glenview, IL, was marked in style on Sunday, Nov. 7. His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon and extolled the supreme power embedded in the faith in Christ, which overcomes even death.
Following Divine Liturgy, a splendid celebration took place at the church’s Shahnazarian Hall, with the presence of 130 parishioners. Visiting Pastor Rev. Fr. Vahan Kouyoumdjian blessed the table, following which Board of Trustees Chairperson Raffi Krikorian welcomed the public and briefly described the activities carried out during the year, thanking particularly those who in the last 18 months selflessly served the church and the community.
Mrs. Knarik Haroutunian, Mrs. Maral Poladian, Mrs. Manoushag Shant, Mr. Tony Jacob, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry and Shari Kazarian were presented with certificates of merit from the Prelacy (see photo).
In addition to congratulating the church on its anniversary, the Prelate also applauded the community for coming out in force to celebrate the joyous opportunity, thus “breaking the ice” after a long period of social distancing because of the pandemic. He had warm words of praise for Visiting Pastor Rev. Vahan and Yn. Maggie Kouyoumdjian’s devoted service, coming every week from New Jersey to Chicago, despite frequent flight delays or cancellations, keeping the variegated community life active. He also expressed his appreciation of the Board of Trustees, the auxiliary bodies and sister organizations for their inexhaustible willpower.
Addressing the public, the Prelate spoke about the Bible reading of the day and the need to turn it into a guiding principle for us, standing up and shaking off with prayer, caution and patience the apathy created by the pandemic, praising God for granting us a normal life with renewed appreciation and gratitude.
The event was closed with a blessing and the Giligia song.