On Saturday, November 4, His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, ordained Ararat Tokmajian, Samuel Mehrabian, and Remy Kako as acolytes and Vahey Mouradian, Aren Banklian, Alek Banklian, and Simon Sazian as subdeacons during a Vespers service at All Saints’ Church in Glenview, Illinois.
The Prelate expressed with deep satisfaction that this ordination on the occasion of the All Saints’ Day brought a living message through the dedication of the young men, who lovingly offer their service for the spiritual prosperity of their community.
After the church ceremony, the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the foundation of the church took place in the parish hall. Board of Trustees’ Chairman Rafi Krikorian thanked the parishioners and friends for their unconditional support. The Honorary Consul of the Republic of Armenia, Oscar Tatosian, congratulated the community’s anniversary and its contribution to Armenian life in the area. Very Rev. Fr. Boghos Tinkjian, Pastor, expressed his gratitude for the dedication of all the past and present members, with which the church prospered. Then the blessing of the renovated hall was performed, following which Ms. Sirarpy Seferian was presented with a certificate of appreciation by the Prelacy for her many years of service.
For his part, Archbishop Anoushavan highly praised the Pastor, the Board of Trustees, affiliated bodies and sister organizations for their harmonious cooperation, the best proof of which is the continuous development and prosperity of the community in the spiritual, cultural, and social realms. The event was closed with a blessing and the traditional singing of “Giligia.”
On Sunday, November 5, the Prelate celebrated the Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon. He emphasized the need to stay in constant communication with the saints to grow our faith and find inspiration in their example to overcome the threats life may put in our way.
At the end of the Divine Liturgy, His Holiness Anushavan consecrated the icons of the 13 apostles, of Stephen the Protomartyr as well as the Mother of God and 15 saints of the Armenian Church, which made the All Saints Day even more meaningful and brought its present message to the believers.