Letters from Armenia

Sergey – 10/17/24

This letter is from Sergey,* who is sponsored by Aram and June Darmanian.
* We use only the first names of the children and those who benefit from the program to protect their privacy. 

Dear Sponsor whom I don’t know yet, 

I am Sergey. I am a second year student at Yerevan State Medical University’s Faculty of Military Medicine. I have the honor of wearing simultaneously two sacred uniforms – medical and military.
My goal is to become a very good doctor, serve my Republic of Armenia, and stay in my country. 
Your sponsorship makes me feel even more responsible for my actions. 
I wish you all the best and a healthy and happy life.
I am very grateful to you for your support. 

With best regards, 

S. [family name withheld] 

October 8, 2024