Today, on October 24, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I completed his Pontifical Visit to the Eastern Prelacy of the United States, as a continuation of last year’s visit, under the theme
“Stronger Faith, Stronger Communities and Nation.”
I would like to characterize this visit with five significant points:
First, our people living on the American continent once again realized that although the Catholicosate of the Great House of Cilicia is based in Lebanon, its Catholicos is the spiritual father of the children of our native people from the Middle East to Europe and America, and his heart beats impartially wherever there is a need for service. In this context, I would like to share a very apt example, that just as parents take care of their children without exception, similarly the Catholicos’ visit to all communities—large or small, near or far—created an unparalleled enthusiasm and deep confidence that all equally enjoy the care of the Holy See and its Catholicos.
Second, during His Holiness’ presence in America amidst Lebanon’s current crisis, he brought to the spotlight the uniqueness of the Land of the Cedars in political circles and among our people, and particularly emphasized the imperative of aiding our suffering compatriots.
Third, this visit was a magnificent double opportunity for ecclesiastical and lay leaders in non-Armenian circles to gain a better understanding of the Armenian Church and its mission for the welfare of the entire society.
Fourth, in the face of certain social, moral, and other unhealthy currents born of modern society, the Catholicos once again reinforced the essential nature of the Armenian family and Christian values as divinely ordained foundations for the creative progress of humanity.
Fifth, alongside all of this, a distinctive aspect of this pastoral visit was that His Holiness the Catholicos not only infused new vigor into his messages, sermons, and speeches, strengthening the faith and identity of our people, but also, throughout all his visits, created opportunities for dialogue with all generations of the community—teenagers, youth, and the elderly. He demonstrated that he, too, values listening to the voice of the people, using it as a positive driving force in his service.
On this occasion, on behalf of the greater family of the Eastern Prelacy of North America, we once again express our deep filial gratitude to His Holiness, wishing him continued health and fruitful work for the honor and progress of the Armenian Church and nation, and for the glory of Almighty God.