Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, led Christmas celebrations in the New York area on January 6, including the Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of Water at Sts. Vartanantz Church in Ridgefield, New Jersey. The day continued with the traditional House Blessing ceremony at the Prelacy offices in New York. Clergy, parishioners, and community members gathered to mark the joyous occasion of the ever renewing birth of our Lord and Savior.
Before delivering his sermon at Sts. Vartanantz, the Prelate conveyed the pontifical greetings of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I to all clergy, administrative bodies, sister organizations, and the faithful of the Prelacy. On the occasion of the holidays, His Holiness expressed his wish for the renewal of faith and resolve, calling on for the reorganization of communities and success in spiritual, national, cultural, social, and other spheres.
After sharing the congratulatory message from His Holiness, Archbishop Anoushavan delivered his sermon, taking inspiration from the hymn “Newly Created” (“Norasdeghdzyal”) by Church Father Nerses Shnorhali, especially the lines, “O thou love, in love didst thou humble thyself and wast incarnate for our salvation.” The Prelate stressed that the essence of God is love, which not only led to the creation of the universe but also to self-sacrifice, with Love (Christ) humbling Himself and becoming human for humanity to renew itself and rediscover its lost divine likeness.
Following the Divine Liturgy and the Blessing of the Water ceremony, a Christmas gathering was held in the parish hall. After the blessing of the table by the pastor, attendees enjoyed traditional Armenian dishes in a friendly setting. The Prelate once again congratulated all active organizations and parishioners, wishing them continued success in enriching the life of the community.
Later in the evening, the traditional House Blessing ceremony was held in the Prelacy offices in New York, officiated by Rev. Fr. Mesrob Lakissian, pastor of St. Illuminator’s Cathedral. Also in attendance were Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, Pastor of St. Sarkis Church in Douglaston; Rev. Fr. Vahan Kouyoumdjian, Pastor of Holy Cross Church in Troy; and faithful parishioners from the area.
Archbishop Anoushavan expressed his satisfaction over the enduring tradition of the House Blessing ceremony at the Prelacy in spite of the inclement weather. He revealed to the attendees the theme of the Catholicos’ Proclamation for the New Year, “2025: Year of the Revitalization of Traditions,” emphasizing the importance of preserving traditions in the collective lives of communities and nations. In his concluding remarks, he expressed his wish for peace in the world, safety for the homeland, justice for the displaced people of Artsakh, and prosperity for the Armenian Diaspora.