As instructed by His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, in conjunction with the Ghevontiants commemoration, Prelacy parishes observed a special requiem last Sunday, February 23, in memory of the deceased clergy who served the Prelacy. It is also a tradition to hold a special requiem service for all the deceased members and benefactors of the Armenian Relief Society, including its founder E. Agnouni (Khatchadour Maloomian), on the last Sunday of February.
The Church is the truest embodiment of the Armenian nation and its Christian vocation, the oldest continuously operating institution of our nation and, more than that, the steward of the mission first undertaken by the apostles of our Savior.
A.R.S. sums up and puts at the service of our people the virtues of women, our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters. Since 1910, A.R.S. has accompanied and supported our nation through its tragedies and revival. We honor their memory and pray for their souls.
His Holiness Catholicos Zareh I, His Holiness Catholicos Khoren I, His Holiness Catholicos Karekin I, Supreme Patriarch of All Armenians, Archbishop Hrant Khatchadourian, Archbishop Mesrob Ashjian, Archbishop Sumbat Lapajian, V. Rev. Fr. Vaghinag Sisagian, V. Rev. Fr. Ghevont Martougesian, V. Rev. Fr. Nishan Papazian, V. Rev. Fr. Barour Ekmekjian, V. Rev. Fr. Oshagan Minasian, V. Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Manjikian, Rev. Fr. Mesrob Amrigian, Rev. Fr. Arsen Varjabedian, Rev. Fr. Mateos Mannigian, Rev. Fr. Bedros Mampreian, Rev. Fr. Stepanos Garabedian, Rev. Fr. Mesrob Der Hovanesian, Rev. Fr. Houssig Naghnikian, Rev. Fr. Adom Melikian, Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Kasbarian, Rev. Fr. Ghevont Khosrovian, Rev. Fr. Bedros Kasarjian, Rev. Fr. Sahag Balian, Rev. Fr. Ghevont Papazian, Rev. Fr. Papken Kasbarian, Rev. Fr. Sahag Yeghigyan, Rev. Fr. Nerses Shahinian, Rev. Fr. Bsag Sarkisian, Rev. Fr. Yeghishe Mkitarian, Rev. Fr. Souren Papakhian, Rev. Fr. Arsen Simeoniantz, Rev. Fr. Movses Der Stepanian, Rev. Fr. Mampre Biberian, Rev. Fr. Khachadour Giragossian, Rev. Fr. Yervant Yeretzian, Rev. Fr. Gomidas Der Torosian, Rev. Fr. Movses Shrikian, Rev. Fr. Dickran Khoyan, Rev. Fr. Smpad Der Mekhsian, Rev. Fr. Vahan Ghazarian, Rev. Fr. Ashod Kochian, Rev. Fr. Arshavir Sevdalian, Rev. Fr. Kourken Yaralian, Rev. Fr. Arsen Hagopian, Rev. Fr. Sarkis Antreasian, Rev. Fr. Sahag Andekian, Rev. Fr. Hmayag Minoyan, Rev. Fr. Krikor Hairabedian, Rev. Fr. Asoghik Kiledjian, Rev. Fr. Varant Bedrosian, Rev. Fr. Sahag Vertanessian, Rev. Fr. Vartan Kassabian, Rev. Fr. Torkom Hagopian, Rev. Fr. Anoushavan Artinian, Rev. Fr. Geghart Baboghlian, Rev. Fr. Arshag Daghlian, Rev. Fr. Vatche Naccachian, Rev. Fr. Vahrich Shirinian, Rev. Fr. Vartan Arakelian, Rev. Fr. Gorun Shrikian, Rev. Fr. Zaven Poladian, Rev. Fr. Armen Ishkhanian, Rev. Fr. Mesrob Tashjian, Rev. Fr. Nareg Shrikian, Rev. Fr. Moushegh Der Kaloustian, Rev. Fr. Vazken Bekiarian.
May the memory of the righteous be blessed.
In addition to Agnouni, the following ARS benefactors were remembered in the requiem service: George and Beatrice Lazarian, Levon and Sophia Hagopian, Karekin and Virginia Siroonian, Samuel and Agnes Yeremian, Araxie Proodian, Haiganoush Garabedian, Doris Norian Lentz, Alice Norian, Arpkes Kelerchian, Hagop Jacques and Pearl Mouradian, Alice Haigazian Berman, Genevieve Yekeshian, Yervant and Helen Terzian, Albert and Takouhi Begian, Giragos Vaporsiyan, Kourken Assaturian, Margaret Assaturian, Katherine P. Tayian, and Araxy Toomajanian.
O Christ, Son of God, forbearing and compassionate, through your love as creator, have mercy upon the souls of your departed servants. Be mindful of them on the great day of the coming of your kingdom. Make them worthy of your mercy and of remission and forgiveness of their sins, glorify and number them among the saints of your right hand.
(From the Armenian Church’s Repose of Souls [Hokehankist] service)