NRA and Clergy Conference 2017
Armenian All Saints Apostolic Church of Glenview, IL is honored and proud to host the 2017 NRA and Clergy Conference May 16-20, 2017.
The Steering Committee is actively planning all aspects of the NRA and our Hospitality Committee is making every effort to make your stay in the Windy City a memorable one. This year we are very excited to share with you a change in the traditional NRA banquet. Our parish and community, with the consent of the Executive Council will be hosting a less formal evening on Friday night to recognize our NRA delegates, Pillars and guests for their service and participation in the work of our Prelacy. The evening will feature open seating, numerous food stations with a wide variety of selections and an interactive atmosphere focusing on fellowship rather than a formal program.
While here, why not extend your stay and visit our beautiful city? There is so much to see and experience. From our beautiful lakefront to the Magnificent Mile, Chicago brings you one great experience after another. Fantastic restaurants, museums, galleries, historical landmarks, fabulous architecture not to mention our extensive shopping venues. Arrangements can be made with the hotel to extend your stay either before or after the NRA.
With prayers and good wishes,
Very Rev. Fr. Ghevont Pentezian, Pastor
Hagop Soulakian, BOT Chairman
Susan Chitjian Erickson, NRA Chair
Armenian All Saints Apostolic Church
138 E. 39th St, New York, NY 10016
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