The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915-1918, Khatchig Mouradian (softcover)


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SKU: MKE2007-005 Categories: ,

“The Resistance Network” is the history of an underground network of humanitarians, missionaries, and diplomats who helped the lives of thousands during the Armenian genocide. Khatchig Mouradian challenges depictions of Armenians as passive recipients of violence and aid, demonstrating the key role they played in organizing a humanitarian resistance against the destruction of their people. Piecing together hundreds of accounts, official documents, and missionary records, Mouradian presents a social history of genocide and resistance in wartime Aleppo and a network of transit and concentration camps stretching from Bab to Ras ul-Ain and Der Zor. He ultimately argues that, despite the violent and systematic mechanisms of control and destruction in the cities, concentration camps, and massacre sites in the region, the genocide of the Armenians did not progress unhindered—unarmed resistance provided an important factor in saving countless deportees.

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