Antelias, Easter 2021
His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan Tanielian, Prelate
Armenian Prelacy of the Eastern United States
New York
Dear Srpazan,
“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). The resurrected Christ made this promise to his disciples who were called upon to continue his mission.
History shows that Christ was with his church in the most adverse circumstances in history. Immersed in the faith and hope of the resurrected Christ, the church kept standing and vital, in spite of the terrible massacres, persecutions and destruction.
It was also thus the Armenian Church, which assimilated the suffering of the people and grew strong with the resurrection of Christ. Indeed, with its spiritual and intellectual creativity and its devoted service to the people, the Armenian Church turned the miraculous presence of Christ into a living experience inside of us.
Today, our Church, surrounded by several crises in the life of our people, faithful to its sublime mission, is called upon renewing our life with the breathing resurrection of Christ, making the realization of the biblical truths and values the focus of its testimony.
Therefore, it is our expectation that renewed with the miraculous resurrection of Christ, together with the clergy and the community leadership, you continue with even more dedication your mission of service to the people entrusted to your spiritual care.
Christ has risen from the dead!
Blessed is the resurrection of Christ!
With patriarchal blessings and warm paternal love,
Catholicos Aram I
Great House of Cilicia