This letter is from Angelina Sargsyan who is sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Vahe & Hasmik Dombalagian.
Dear Sponsor…
This is Angelina Sargsyan, the daughter of Roland Sargsyan. I am 12 years old. I go to 6th grade in Peyo Yavorov middle school #131. I don’t know what to write to you…
I will tell you about my father. He was a very kind, optimistic and extremely patriotic person. He used to work for the Military Police.
He was a participant of the April War. During the last war, he left for Artsakh on September 28. He promised that he will be back. He said that he absolutely will be back, back with a victory, and that we shouldn’t cry but just wait for him… However… However, November 6 came… In Shoushi… And papa is no longer with us.
We looked for him for a long time, and we found him, but it was too late…
I still cannot believe it. I haven’t been on papa’s gravesite, and I don’t know when I will be able to go.
I hate wars…
I pray to God for peace in the world, for no more wars ever…
Sorry for my sincerity.