Led by Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, the clergy of the Eastern Prelacy held a virtual meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 22, on occasion of the Feast of the Holy Ghevontian Priests. After an abridged vespers service, Rev. Fr. Samuel Ajemian offered a biblical reflection based on the reading of the day: “Do not fear those who kill the body.” Fr. Samuel said that fear has an important role in our physical and spiritual life. That is why Christ was warning the apostles, and through them the faithful, no to fear physical loss, as it might affect negatively the eternal perdition of souls.
In his reference to the day’s feast, Fr. Samuel said that the Ghevontian and Vartanank martyrs had ensured the spiritual salvation of the Armenian people by not fearing physical loss.
The keynote speaker of the day was Very Rev. Fr. Sahag Yemishian, who spoke about “Healthy critical thinking.” Talking about the different obligations of a pastor, Fr. Sahag offered simple, practical advice to his brothers in Christ. He said it was very important to recognize matters that may seem urgent and important, which in fact may be traps that distract us from fulfilling priority plans and dreams. The key to success in a group and an individual’s life are focusing on priority matters, developing important plans over the long term and avoiding exaggerations.
This talk about practical life was useful not only for the participating clergy but also for any individual in an executive position or active in community life.
Participants then discussed their experience in pastoral life and offered proposals of a practical nature to address the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic and reinforce faith among parishioners and revitalize the church.
Following the Prelate’s exhortation, the meeting was adjourned, with participants hoping to meet in person in the upcoming meeting of the National Representative Assembly in May.