On Monday, September 25, His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, hosted a welcoming reception for Archbishop Saba, Antiochian Orthodox Metropolitan over the Archdiocese of New York and All North America, at the headquarters of the Prelacy in New York. The reception was held on behalf of CAMECT (Christian, Arab, and Middle Eastern Churches Together), which Archbishop Anoushavan presides. Clergymen and lay representatives from sister churches attended the gathering.
Rev. Fr. Nareg Terterian, Pastor of St. Sarkis Church, of Douglaston, New York, acted as MC. Following the opening prayer, Archbishop Anoushavan welcomed Metropolitan Saba on behalf of CAMECT, expressing his hope that in a spirit of cooperation the mission of the churches can be strengthened while supporting the mother sees of the apostolic churches in the Middle East. His Eminence also praised highly Metropolitan Saba for his close relationship with the Armenian people while he served in Syria.
Very Rev. Fr. Thomas Zain, Vicar of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, briefly presented Archbishop Saba, who in turn expressed his gratitude for the reception organized in a Christian spirit. He promised to strengthen further the links among the Middle Eastern Churches in service of all Christians.