Erika – 01/30/25

This week’s letter is from Erika,* who is sponsored by Henry Davison.
* We use only the first names of the children and those who benefit from the program to protect their privacy.
Dear Sponsor,
This is 9-year-old Erika. We used to live in Artsakh, but after the war we had to relocate to Armenia, with many difficulties on the way. I am now a 4th year student in Charentsavan City’s School #6.
My mom died three months ago, and now my grandmother takes care of me. I have new friends in school, but it is very difficult for me without my parents. My father was killed in the 44-Day War.
I will do my very best by being a good student, by behaving, by achieving good results, to make them proud and to live fully the life that they didn’t get to live.
Thank you, dear Sponsor, for sending me 150 dollars.