YN. LUCINE DAGHLIAN (August 3, 1925 – January 25, 2024)

His Eminence Anoushavan, Prelate, and the Religious and Executive Councils have learned with sorrow of the passing of Yeretsgeen Lucine (Baghdassarian) Daghlian, wife of the late Archpriest Father Arshag Daghlian, on Thursday, January 25. She is survived by four of her children, Sonia, John, Houry, Nora and Richard Sarajian (the late Aida Chareth predeceased her), as well as seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She was the sister of the late Valentine Bilezikian, Mary Kassabian, and Hagop Baghdassarian.
Yn. Lucine was born in Aleppo, Syria, to Emmanuel and Satenig Baghdassarian on August 3, 1925. She graduated from Aleppo College and then married Ardashes Daghlian, who afterwards moved to Beirut to be ordained into the holy priesthood as Rev. Fr. Arshag Daghlian. Der Arshag and Yeretsgeen Lucine were among the pioneering servants of the Eastern Prelacy. They served for approximately three years at St. Paul Church, in Waukegan, and West Pullman, both in Illinois. Afterwards, Rev. Fr. Arshag was transferred to North Andover, Massachusetts, where they served as the first Pastor and Yeretsgeen at St. Gregory Church for 15 years. They hosted Easter Communion breakfast for the community every year. Yn. Lucine served in the various church choirs, the Armenian Relief Society, the National Association of Ladies Guilds, and as chairwoman of St. Gregory Church’s Ladies Guild.
After Der Arshag retired, Yn. Lucine became a member of St. Stephen’s Church (Watertown, Massachusetts) and continued to serve her church and the Prelacy. She was one of the original Pillars of the Prelacy and supported numerous Prelacy events, fundraisers, and the Orphans Program. She was one of the godmothers of the 2001 Muronorhnek (Blessing of the Holy Oil) and took gifts for all the orphans and students at the Bird’s Nest orphanage. As a role model for the new Yeretsgeens, she offered council and advice. She provided the concept of “College Care” packages for students at St. Stephen’s Church to keep the recently graduated Sunday School Students connected to the church. At the National Representative Assembly of 2013, former Prelate Archbishop Oshagan Choloyan bestowed the honor of Mother of the Year upon her.
The funeral service, presided by Archbishop Anoushavan, was held at Saint Stephen’s Church, Watertown, on Wednesday, January 31, followed by interment at West Parish Garden Cemetery, Andover, MA. Memorial gifts may be made to St. Stephen’s Church or The Armenian Apostolic Church of America, 138 East 39th Street, New York, New York.
The Prelate and the Religious and Executive Councils express their sincere condolences to Dr. Houry Daghlian, Executive Council member, and to Mr. Richard Sarajian, Esq., former Executive Council Chairman, for their loss.
May God illuminate her soul and give comfort to her family, relatives, and friends.