Humanity during War portrays various aspects of civilian life during the 2020 war in Artsakh. Ezras Tellalian, a third-generation Armenian-American descendant of Genocide survivors, traveled to the war zone to capture the experiences of civilians caught up in an unwanted geopolitical conflict with deep ethnohistorical roots. His photographs, intertwined with simple yet deep descriptions of the people he encountered, give light to typically neglected wartime narratives in which the human drives for life, peace, and love are stronger than the desires to kill, to destroy, and to hate. In an often neglected corner of the world, Humanity during War powerfully and personally depicts the toll of daily shelling and displacement on everyday people while acknowledging their resilience and hope.
Humanity During War: Artsakh 2020, Ezras Tellalian (hardcover)
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Category: History
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