In an interview with Karine Kocharyan of Voice of Armenians TV, His Eminence Archbishop Anoushavan, Prelate, spoke about the spirit behind the Prelacy’s 65th anniversary celebration gala on Sunday, Nov. 20, and urged the faithful not to fall into despair in the face of the turmoil the world is going through. “Fear not,” the Prelate said.
“Since I was elected Prelate four years ago, I have tried to Armenize Thanksgiving Day a bit, and dedicate it every year to a goal or service,” His Eminence said in the interview, aired on Saturday, Oct. 22. “And now, after the pandemic, when in a way we are emerging from a global calamity, I thought the best opportunity was to dedicate it to the 65th anniversary of the Prelacy.”
He wanted, he said, “to thank God and the sons and daughters of our people who have always supported” the Prelacy.
“I believe it is our vocation, in our capacity as the Prelacy, as the Church and as churchmen, to bring faith and hope to our people, which is what Christ Himself brought to his apostles: Fear not,” Archbishop Anoushavan concluded.
You may watch the interview, in Armenian, here: