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During the Advent season, the Department of Christian Education has initiated a fundraising effort inviting all Prelacy Sunday School students to participate in the Prelate’s Appeal “From Heart to Heart” to support our younger brothers and sisters in Lebanon. This initiative is especially aimed at Sunday School students. Many thanks to all those who responded generously:  


$1,000  — St. Illuminator’s Cathedral (NYC) 

$700 — St. Sarkis Armenian Church (Dearborn, MI) 

$255 — St. Stephen’s Armenian Church (Watertown, MA) 

$254 — Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church (Ridgefield, NJ) 

$250 — St. Sarkis Armenian Church (Douglaston, NY) 

$250 — Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church (Providence, RI) 

$200 — St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Church (Philadelphian, PA) 

$200 — St. Gregory Armenian Church (N. Andover, MA) 

$100 — Holy Trinity Armenian Church (Worcester, MA) 


Click here to watch the “Thank You” message of Sunday School students in Lebanon.