On Saturday, January 7, the Mourad Armenian Saturday School of Sts. Vartanantz Church (Providence, RI) celebrated the New Year and Christmas holidays.
In the morning, the students, teaching staff and guests participated in a special ceremony and received the Holy Communion. Then, the students and more than 120 guests gathered in the Aramian hall, where lunch was served before the New Year pageant. Members of the Church’s board of trustees, representatives of sister unions, parents, family members and guests were present.
Garo Tarpinian and Bedig Zeytounian, students of the Siamanto Academy, served as MCs. Rev. Fr. Kapriel Nazarian, Pastor, delivered a welcoming speech and said the opening prayer. Hagop Khachadourian, chairman of the school’s board, praised highly the principal’s office and the teaching staff, the students and especially the parents’ association.
Co-principal Lala Attarian congratulated everyone on the New Year and Christmas, wishing that the year 2023 will bring auspicious days and peace to the Armenian nation. She had special words of commendation for the role of parents and teachers and expressed her gratitude to all those who supported in every way to make the ceremony a success.
The chairwoman of the ARS Arax Chapter of Providence, RI, Manoushag Krikorian, handed over gifts to the teaching staff and students on behalf of the ARS Eastern Regional.
A rich artistic program was presented, which included recitation by Bedig Zeitounian and Garo Tarpinian, the “Chapel” program and songs, led by Raffi Rachdouni. At that point, Santa Claus had an enthusiastic reception by the students and the audience. After the distribution of gifts, the chairwoman of the parents’ association, Ani Dedeyan, announced the results of the raffle and the silent auction.
In closing remarks, co-principal June Mangassarian expressed her appreciation to all the families who spare no effort for their children to attend an Armenian school.